You may have noticed that your breasts sag due to loss of skin elasticity. Time, gravity, weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding can negatively affect the position and shape of your breasts. This condition has led many women to seek a breast lift, or mastopexy, from Georgia plastic surgeon Dr. Billy Lynn.

A breast lift can enhance your natural beauty and create the healthy, youthful, confident appearance you desire. Breast lift plastic surgery can improve the profile of your sagging breasts; helping you to regain your figure. A breast lift may also be recommended if your breasts have never been as perky as you’d like.

A breast lift can be combined with breast augmentation surgery. Many patients consider this procedure if their breasts have lost volume due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss. Women with uncomfortably large breasts, who are considering breast reduction, may find that a breast lift can improve their new profiles.

Women like you in Augusta have breast lift plastic surgery for many different reasons, including:

  • Your breasts have begun to sag due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
  • Your bras are uncomfortable
  • You have a lack of cleavage
  • You desire perkier breasts
  • You desire a higher breast contour and profile
  • You want to improve your self-esteem and confidence

During your personal consultation, Dr. Lynn will discuss your concerns with you and explain the details of breast lift cosmetic surgery. There are a number of options to consider, including whether or not to have another breast procedure performed at the same time. Dr. Lynn is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. He offers you caring, competent services so you can feel your best. He takes great pride in his patients and their happiness.

Mastopexy - Before

Mastopexy - After

For more information about breast lifts, or to schedule your own personalized consultation, please do not hesitate to contact Savannah River Plastic Surgery at 706-651-8400.